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$250 minimum order
Please find below, a list of the most common questions and answers asked of our company, IC Plus, Inc. If you feel that the below FAQ page has not answered your question(s), please feel free to email our support staff at: support@icplus.net. You may also call: 310-378-7715.
Q: How long has IC Plus been in business?
A: Under the corporate name IC Plus, since 1996 however; IC Plus was originally named Components Plus and that has been around since 1992.
Q: Where is IC Plus located?
A: Our corporate offices are in Harbor City, CA however; we have offices in Louisville, Kentucky as well as Guadalajara, Mexico.
Q: Is IC Plus ISO certified?
A: Yes and No – We are ISO Certified (pending), which means we have gone through all of the certification processes and are awaiting our final approval. However; we are and always have been using ISO “best practices” in regards to our company’s facilities.
Q: What is your company’s minimum order?
A: Our minimum order requirements for out of stock inventory are $250.00 and for in-stock inventory we require a $200.00 minimum order placed.
Q: Does IC Plus offer any warranty on the parts they sell?
A: IC Plus offers a minimum of 30 days warranty.
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: Yes
Q: Can I order online from your website?
A: Yes, you can order form our website RFQ page located at: http://www.icplus.net/rfq.aspx
Q: Do you have a testing facility?
A: Yes, IC Plus, Inc has one of the top “in-house” testing facilities in the industry and takes great pride in providing this service to all customers. We spend countless hours in training to learn new testing techniques and how to find and spot ALL COUNTERFEITS.
Q: What quality standards does your company meet?
A: We are currently ISO 9001:2008 (pending) certified, as well as AS9100 compliant (in practice) and regularly conduct on site inspections.
Q: I have excess inventory in my warehouse that I would like to sell, who do I
contact to discuss your options?
A: If you have excess inventory that you are looking to sell or consign you can call 310-378-7715 to speak with our Excess Inventory Manager, you can email your list to excess@icplus.net or fax your list to 310-378-8225. Please be sure to include ALL contact information and our Excess Inventory Manager will contact you shortly to discuss your options.