Much like fuses, varistors are another electronic components used to protect circuits from excessively high voltage. Varistors, also known as Voltage Dependent Resistors or VDR, are incorporated in the circuit so that they can keep excessive current from high voltages away from sensitive parts of the components.
One of the most common types of varistors is the Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV). An everyday example of MOV technology is the surge protector features on a power strip. The surge protector works by protecting electronic devices from power surges. So, if there is a surge in the amount of voltage provided, average in the United States is 120 volts, the surge protector creates a barrier, with the help of the varistor, to stop it from destroying your computer.
Varistors are also used in communications technology, like telephone lines and radio communications equipment to suppress devices. There are some things that varistors will not do, like providing protection for equipment during start-up, when there is a short circuit, or from brownouts also called voltage sags.

If you are an electronics component company looking to buy varistors online, consider visiting IC Plus. IC Plus is the industry leader in selling varistors online. IC Plus has an easy-to-use electronic parts database that allows you to search and find the specific varistors you are hoping to buy.
IC Plus, not only provides one of the best quality service approaches to obsolete and hard to find component procurement, we also provide a wide array of services. And once you find the varistors you are in the market for, IC Plus has the capability, in most cases, to ship your product to you the very next day. So if you’re looking to buy varistors online, you can’t go wrong contacting IC Plus to buy varistors. IC Plus guaranties all the products it sells. Each electronic component that comes to IC Plus is tested and reviewed through our 72 point review process. If you buy varistors online from IC Plus and aren’t happy for any reason, we will offer you a 30-day, money-back guarantee on your online order. There is no harm in buying surplus varistors when you need them to protect your electronic circuits from excessively high voltage.
If you are an electronic components company with surplus varistors inventory, consider selling your varistors online through IC Plus. IC Plus has a painless transaction process and offers you a number of ways to sell your surplus electronic parts through lot purchases, on-site consignment or off-site consignment. So if you are looking to sell your varistors surplus to make room for your new inventory, selling to IC Plus is a simple way to rid yourself of excess inventory. IC Plus also offers options for you to keep your surplus varistors inventory at your own site while we use our extensive network of electronic component buyers to find suitable buyers for your surplus varistors.
Buying and selling varistors online has never been easier.