It’s considered one the greatest inventions of the 20th Century. The transistor is the basis of nearly all electronic devices. So what is a transistor? It’s a semiconductor device that is used to amplify and switch electronic signals. The majority of transistors used today are embedded within integrated circuits, although some come separately packaged. Released in the 1950s, the transistor is what helped the widespread advancement and availability of technology like radios, calculators and even computers.
In the 1960s and 1970s the bipolar junction transistor was the most popularly used transistor and the first transistor to be mass produced. The BJT is made up of three terminals, corresponding to the three layers, the emitter, the base, the collector. It is useful in amplifiers because the currents at the emitter and collector are controllable by a relatively small base current. More recently, Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-effect Transistor (MOSFET), a transistor used for amplifying or switching electronic signals, surpassed the BJT . The MOSFET is used in most analog and power applications, including power transmitters and motor drivers. Transistors are also commonly used in electric switches for power appliances.
Today, the widespread use of thousands of different kinds of transistors, in all kinds of electronic products, have made it easier to get a good deal on the electronic components, especially if you are buying online. Vendors buy and sell used and surplus transistors, that work just as well and are more affordable than buying transistors straight from the manufacturer.
If you are an electronics component company looking to buy transistors online, visit IC Plus. IC Plus is the industry leader in selling transistors online. IC Plus has an easy-to-use and electronic parts database that allows you to search and find the specific transistors you are hoping to buy, whether that’s an older bipolar junction transistor or a MOSFET.
IC Plus, not only provides one of the best quality service approaches to obsolete and hard to find components, we also provide a wide array of services. And once you find the transistors you are in the market for, IC Plus has the capability, in most cases, to ship your product to you the very next day. So if you’re looking to buy transistors online, you can’t go wrong contacting IC Plus. IC Plus guarantees all its products, as each electronic component that comes to IC Plus is tested and reviewed through our 72 point review process. If you buy transistors online from IC Plus and aren’t happy for any reason, we will offer you a 30-day, money-back guarantee on your online order.
If you are an electronic components company with surplus transistor inventory, consider selling your transistors online through IC Plus. IC Plus has a painless transaction process and offers you a number of ways to sell your surplus electronic parts through lot purchases, on-site consignment or off-site consignment. So if you are looking to sell your transistor surplus to make room for your new inventory, selling to IC Plus is a simple way to rid yourself of excess inventory. IC Plus also offers options for you to keep your surplus transistor inventory at your own site while we use our extensive network of electronic component buyers to find suitable buyers for your surplus transistors.
Tags: semiconductor device, surplus transistors online