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Excess Inventory

Excess Inventory Submission

When it comes to excess inventory, what really matters is return on investment, ease of transaction, and the security of the process. We want to work with you to assist you in asset recovery, so we offer three ways to reduce your inventory and maximize your return, quickly and conveniently. IC Plus is an international leader in this area, and can provide the following solutions, custom tailored to fit your needs:

The first step in the process is to compile a list of materials that are true excess, put them into a spreadsheet, and e-mail the spreadsheet to Please include your standard costing, quantity, manufacturer name, manufacturer's part numbers, date codes, and the condition of the material (programmed, pulled, trimmed, new, factory tubes, reeled, etc.) A description of the part is helpful as well.

NOTE: Only include material that you are truly ready to disposition right now.

What we DO buy and consign:

resistors, capacitors, diodes, potentiometers, inductors, LED's, LCD's, connectors, sockets, electromechanical, relays, switches, circuit breakers, fuses, terminal blocks, IC's, RAM, PROM's, crystals, and oscillators.

What we DO NOT buy and consign:

wire, cable, cable assemblies, sheet metal, hardware, printed circuit boards, custom parts of any kind.

Submit Your Inventory

Please use form below to submit your inventory to us, or e-mail it to

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Please copy and paste your inventory list in the text box* below. PLEASE BE SURE to use 1 line per part number (single or multiple quantities) and paste up to 250 line items per submission.

ALSO: indicate "Line or Lot" item bids