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You can also email us sales@icplus.net a sales associate will contact you shortly. I.C. Plus, Inc., is located in Torrance, California and is an ISO 9001: 2008 certified (pending) facility.
IC Plus, Inc. has been in business over 20 years and is one of the most trusted companies in the industry who stocks Obsolete Converters. Located in Torrance, California, IC Plus is ISO 9001:2008 Certified (pending) . Our commitment to adhering to the highest quality and standards has set us apart from other Converters stocking distributors. To locate the exact part you are looking for, please use our part search tool or, give us call at (310) 378-7715. You can also email us at: sales@icplus.net and a sales associate will be more than happy to assist you.
DC to DC converters are vital to portable electronic devices such as hand held devices, cellular phones and laptop computers, which are primarily supplied with power from batteries. Most of these electronic devices contain several sub-circuits, each with its own voltage level requirement different from that provided by the battery or an external supply (sometimes higher or lower than the supply voltage). Switched DC to DC converters offer a method to increase voltage from a partially lowered battery voltage thereby saving space instead of using multiple batteries to accomplish the same thing. Most DC to DC converters also regulate the output voltage. Some exceptions include high-efficiency LED power sources, which are a kind of DC to DC converter that regulates the current through the LEDs, and simple charge pumps which double or triple the input voltage.
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